Friday, January 8, 2010

Why I'm doing this

I've decided to create a blog so friends and family will be able to see what I'm doing while on the other side of the planet. It will be impossible to stay in contact with everyone while I'm abroad due to time differences, phone issues (anticipated), and adventures that I am sure to be having.

What this is NOT is a play by play of everything I'm doing while overseas. Essentially, this will be my way of taking all of you through the important parts of my semester abroad in New Zealand. It will be an incomplete and, at times, inaccurate depiction of the events that take place, but only so much can be shown through a blog. Enjoy.


  1. Love the idea, can't wait to see/hear all about your trip!

  2. Thanks for not being your usual antisocial self and including us ;)
    Have an amazing time! I know you're going to love it

  3. wow man. so...official and stuff. anyway, live the dream for us.
